Recycle scrap ammo easily with our guide on how and where to dispose of old ammunition. Keep your community safe and eco-friendly.

Recycling scrap ammo is more important than you might think. When old or unused ammunition is thrown away, it can cause serious environmental damage and pose safety risks.

Improper disposal can lead to harmful chemicals leaking into the soil and water, which is bad for everyone.

That's why it's crucial to recycle scrap ammo properly.

Not only does it protect the environment, but it also keeps our communities safer. In addition, you can even make a bit of money by recycling it!

Green.Org is here to help you find the best and safest ways to recycle your scrap ammo.

We provide all the info you need to locate certified recycling options, ensuring everything is done right.

Ensure you handle your scrap ammo responsibly with the help of Green.Org.

Why Recycle Scrap Ammo?

Recycling scrap ammo is essential for both the environment and our safety.

When ammo is thrown away carelessly, it can release poisonous chemicals into the ground and water, damaging the environment.

This is dangerous for both people and wildlife. Improper disposal can also lead to accidental explosions or fires, putting people at risk.

By choosing to recycle scrap ammo, you help keep your environment and community safe.

Recycling allows the materials in old ammo to be reused, reducing the need for new resources.

Plus, many recycling centers will pay you for your scrap ammo, turning something useless into a little extra cash.

Recycling scrap ammo allows you to make it play its role in keeping our surroundings safe and clean. Green.Org is here to help you find the best ways to recycle scrap ammo responsibly.

How to Recycle Scrap Ammo Safely

Recycling scrap ammo safely is important, and it's not as complicated as it might seem.

Here's how to do it:

  • Step 1: Gather your scrap ammo. Collect all the old or unused ammo you have lying around. Make sure it's stored safely and kept away from children and pets.
  • Step 2: Check local laws and regulations. Before you do anything, make sure you know the rules in your area. Some places have specific regulations about how ammo should be handled and disposed of.
  • Step 3: Contact certified recycling centers. Find a certified scrap ammo recycler near you. You can use Green.Org to locate reliable options. Certified recyclers know how to handle ammo safely and responsibly.
  • Step 4: Prepare the ammo for transport. Once you've found a recycler, prepare your ammo for transport. Use sturdy containers and label them clearly. Make sure everything is secure to prevent accidents.
  • Step 5: Drop off or arrange for pickup. Take your prepared scrap ammo to the recycling center or arrange for them to pick it up. Some centers offer pickup services, making the process even easier.
  • Safety tips: Always handle ammo with care. Keep it in a cool, dry place, and avoid shaking or dropping it. Wear gloves and protective eyewear if needed.

By following these steps, you can recycle your scrap ammo safely and easily. At Green.Org, we provide all the information and resources you need to get started.

Where to Recycle Scrap Ammo

Finding the right place to recycle scrap ammo is crucial. Here are some options:

  • Local law enforcement agencies: Many police departments accept scrap ammo. They have the resources to handle and dispose of it safely.
  • Certified recycling centers: These facilities specialize in recycling hazardous materials like ammo. They ensure everything is done according to regulations.
  • Gun ranges or firearm dealers: Some gun ranges and firearm dealers accept scrap ammo for recycling. They can handle it properly and often have partnerships with certified recyclers.

Using certified facilities is important because they follow strict guidelines to ensure safety and environmental protection.

Green.Org can help you find these certified recyclers. Visit our website to get extended details on all you may need.

By choosing the right place to recycle your scrap ammo, you protect yourself, others, and the environment.

Green.Org makes it easy to find reliable options and ensures you're making the best choice for safe disposal.

Benefits of Using Certified Recyclers

Using certified recyclers for your scrap ammo comes with several advantages that make it the best choice. Here's why:

  1. Safety: Certified recyclers are trained to handle hazardous materials like ammo safely. They follow strict protocols to prevent accidents, ensuring that the recycling process is safe for everyone involved.
  2. Environmental Protection: Certified recyclers use eco-friendly methods to recycle ammo. They make sure that harmful chemicals and metals don't end up in landfills or water sources. This helps protect the environment and reduces pollution.
  3. Legal Compliance: Certified recyclers adhere to all local and federal laws concerning the disposal of harmful materials. This means you don't have to worry about breaking any laws or facing penalties. They handle everything by the book.
  4. Peace of Mind: When you use a certified recycler, you can rest easy knowing that your scrap ammo is being disposed of properly. You don't have to worry about potential risks or environmental damage. It's a worry-free way to get rid of your old ammo.

Green.Org connects you with the best-certified recyclers, making the whole process simple and stress-free.

We provide all the information and resources you need to recycle your scrap ammo safely and responsibly.

By choosing a certified recycler, you're making a smart and responsible choice for yourself and the planet.


Recycling scrap ammo is crucial for safety and the environment. By applying the tips and resources provided, you can easily and safely trash your old ammunition.

Green.Org makes this process simple with our helpful tools and information.

Green.Org is a media platform that shares news about sustainability, climate tech, and green finance.

Our goal is to inspire people to take action and get involved. We educate and motivate through positive content on, inspiring interviews on The Green Podcast, and practical tips for daily life.

We also highlight organizations making a positive impact on the planet. Visit Green.Org to find certified recyclers and learn more.