These days, eco experts keep saying that saving the planet severely depends on how we consume water.

It seems that this ordinary resource is now more valuable than we think. If humanity doesn’t change its approach, it will soon have to pay a high price.

Changing your lifestyle could bring a small but significant impact on this global green mission. 

And when else, if not on World Water Day on the 22nd of March, is not the ideal time to consider alternations and home updates you can make to be a part of this profound and essential change for our planet?

The renovations that will help you to save water

Although the economy and overconsumption are among the top factors that reduce the global water amount (and quality) day after day, many sides of today’s technology world and innovations can help us preserve this resource.

The modern market of home appliances, tech gadgets, and the latest eco-friendly updates in our interior and domestic surroundings is full of smart options that we can implement. This means that if you are about to make renovations in your flat or house, on mandatory consider the following green water-saving ideas:

  • Buy “A” Class green electric appliances. Most of them are made to save you money on your electricity bill. However, those involving water consumption can also reduce the monthly water utility bill. Don’t hesitate to invest in green dishwashers, washing machines, driers, vacuum cleaners and even a steam machine, which deducts the necessary water for sanitising an item by up to 70%.
  • Or just start using the green settings of your home appliances right away. You might have neglected the ECO programs in your washing machine and the dishwasher, but why not activate them today? You will see that the final results on your clothes and plates will be the same as before. Hence, you will significantly change your daily water consumption rate.
  • Install a cistern or a water tank in your house. In other words, simply start using any water you can access rather than wasting or not paying attention to it. The cistern will collect enough rainwater to wash the car, soak the greasy pans and pots before cleaning, etc.
  • It’s the bathroom where you can install numerous water-preserving revolutionary gadgets. Some of them are even “invisible” in the interior, but so significant in what they do. We suggest you consider having a shower enclosure rather than a tub or putting a specially tailored brick in the toilet to reduce the amount of flushed water.
  • Do the agenda repairs as fast as possible. Every property with a pesky pipe serves to the global water shortage. It’s a must to check the home system of drains often. If there’s a leak, immediately fix it.
  • Check for water dripping in the kitchen, too. It’s not the bathroom where you use a lot of water only.
  • Consider having an aerator or attaching a contemporary flow reducer to your tap.

Cleaning hacks that save water

According to some stats, your kitchen sink spends nearly 2 to 5 gallons of water per 60 seconds.

Usually, we use it for sanitising– dishes and stains, daily domestic cleaning chores, etc. Indeed, housekeeping tasks might be the ones to blame for your seriously increased amount of monthly consumed water.

There are a lot of hacks to try to reduce it:

  • A dishwasher disinfects your plates, pots, knives, glasses, etc., with less water than you do in the sink. If you already have one, using it properly by arranging the items finely and turning on the ECO program are other tips you can try.
  • If you cannot afford a dishwasher, you can still save water when doing the dishes. Forget about scrubbing under the running water. Instead, scrape off the remaining signs of food before washing. You can also try the soaking method – just put the dishes in soapy water for a couple of minutes and rinse them afterwards.
  • Cleaning the floor, the balcony and other items can be done with the water in the bucket you have used to soak the dirty dishes.
  • Re-use the water left inside your dishwashing or washing machine for sanitising jobs – the windows, the drawers, the kitchen plots, etc.
  • Don’t run the washing machine until it’s full; try to turn on the quick program as often as possible.
  • Save water and time by washing the tiles, toilet seat and bathroom sink while having a morning shower.
  • Pre-clean the electric appliances with dry detergents to reduce the water you need for wiping. Running the microwave with a sponge soaked in white vinegar for a few minutes is an incredible hack to reduce the scrubbing chore duration.
  • Invest in tenancy cleaning services when moving out or when you need a deep clean. That can save lots of time for more important things and improve your well-being. It can also save a lot of water for many cleaning companies today use steam machines that produce 1 700 litres of steam from 1 litre of water only.

Small efforts that will help you to reduce water consumption even more

Let’s consider that you are done with your water-saving home improvements and that you’ve made the right choices for the green cleaning routine at home. Are there any other ways to reduce the consumed water?

We kindly suggest you start with these beginner-friendly water-saving tips that require quite small efforts and no (or little) money:

  • Have a shared shower. Whether with your kids by letting them play together in the bathroom and have time or with your spouse, you will definitely have more amazing moments and fewer water expenses.
  • Don’t clean the vegetables and the fruits under running water. Instead, have a bucket filled with water and wash them inside.
  • Have relaxing baths after work rather than another shower for the day.
  • Turn off the water while you brush your teeth, soap your body when you shower, have a shaving procedure or apply any hair products (shampoo, conditioner, mask, you name it).
  • Store water bottles in your fridge rather than wasting a lot of running water while waiting to cool off.

Saving water outdoors – a pack of the best hacks to try

You waste water all the time and everywhere. Once you get outside your property, you keep doing it without a clue.

We strongly recommend you consider our pack of helpful hacks to save some water outdoors, too:

  • Forget about the hose when washing your car. Instead, go for the retro bucker style;
  • Collected rainwater is the best water to pour the inside plants into pots;
  • Change your gardening style and tastes by choosing plants that require less often watering;
  • Get the broom rather than any liquid solutions to wash the driveway, the decks or the benches outdoors;
  • Cover your pool to reduce the frequent change of the water inside.


These are only a few things you need to do to change your lifestyle and attitude toward the surrounding environment significantly.

Sticking to saving tricks will preserve the natural water resource longer than all catastrophic predictions point.

It’s time for some smart actions because our planet deserves it.