Hyperbaric oxygen therapy or HBOT is a method by which users inhale oxygen in high purity. This is possible with the help of a hyperbaric chamber, where the patient receives a mask that is connected to a special tank. Following HBOT, the oxygen quickly reaches the lungs and then into the bloodstream, where it dissolves in the blood plasma.

When is it recommended to use HBOT

For a better understanding of the HBOT process, a strong visual impact comparison can be made: just as carbon dioxide evaporates in carbonated beverages, so can oxygen in the blood. The result is spectacular and fast: the amount of oxygen in the blood increases up to 20 times the normal value. Subsequently, oxygen reaches the whole body, even the most distant cells, which have been deprived of vascularity.

Since the beginning of HBOT, those who have benefited from its effects have been users suffering from life-threatening conditions. Also, this therapy is recommended in chronic diseases, where healing is very difficult to achieve and regeneration is severely affected.

The origin of HBOT is in the medicine of deep diving. Divers need to breathe oxygen for a longer period of time, and the positive effects of this behavior have been noticed by scientists. An attempt was made to simulate the conditions that divers face, but without the users having to dive into the water. In this way, the first models of hyperbaric chambers appeared, where the pressure was up to 3 times higher than in the usual environment. The use of pure oxygen masks for users has brought the expected results, respectively, the increase of the oxygen concentration in the blood. The effect is the faster healing of some diseases as well as the support of the body in the fight against other incurable diseases. In this case, the symptoms of the disease are minimized and the user enjoys a much better general condition.

HBOT with pure oxygen can save lives. Carbon monoxide poisoning, diabetic foot, gas embolism or radiation injuries are just some of the conditions in which HBOT therapy can be used successfully.

What are the principles on which HBOT therapy is based

The red pigment in the blood is called hemoglobin. It is responsible for transporting oxygen in human blood and, implicitly, throughout the body. The problem is that only 1.5% of the total oxygen in the blood is dissolved in the plasma. With the help of HBOT, performed in the hyperbaric chamber, the blood concentration will be increased, and the cells will benefit more from this oxygen supply. Hemoglobin will carry more oxygen, and the whole body will benefit from the therapy.

What are the most important conditions in which HBOT therapy can be used

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning

When the lungs are filled with carbon monoxide, the transport of oxygen to the cells is difficult or even completely stopped. The effects of inhaling carbon monoxide are very serious and can lead to permanent damage to the body, especially the heart and brain. With the help of HBOT, the toxins in the cells are eliminated, and the massive intake of concentrated oxygen prevents the appearance of irreparable lesions in the tissue. For HBOT to have the desired effect, it must be performed within 3 hours of the incident.

  • Embolism

This condition is the penetration of air into the blood vessels that it blocks. The negative effect is to stop the supply of oxygen to the cells and the direct consequence is to cause serious and permanent damage, especially to the spinal cord and brain. Conditions that will result from an embolism may be paralysis or coma. By rapid intervention with HBOT, the negative effects of embolism can be minimized and even completely stopped. Increased ambient pressure in the hyperbaric chamber helps to physically reduce air bubbles and blood flow will return to normal. By default, the process of forming lesions in the brain and spinal cord is stopped and the regeneration process begins immediately. The first HBOT therapy session after an episode of embolism can last up to a few hours and then other sessions are recommended for a long period of time.

  • Critical infections

Infections can occur directly, due to a dangerous virus or indirectly, due to other diseases that make the body vulnerable. This is also the case for people who have suffered burns on a large area of the body. Because the skin is destroyed, germs can infect the area, leading to very serious complications and even death. HBOT is recommended because it has a direct effect on germs, stopping their development. At the same time, pure oxygen therapy supports the body's regeneration and defense mechanisms.

  • Serious crush injuries

Dangerous accidents can even lead to loss of limbs, as extensive crushing of tissues leads to necrosis. HBOT therapy allows the blood to reach the areas quickly, thanks to the increased amount of pure oxygen.

  • Transplant

Whether it is a limb transplant or an organ transplant, the most important thing after surgery is to restart blood circulation. These areas need major vascularization, and this is possible with the help of HBOT therapy. The increased amount of oxygen in the blood helps save the limb or transplanted organ.

  • Recovery after a stroke

A stroke can cause major damage to the central nervous system by destroying cells and causing serious injuries. The effects of HBOT are also beneficial in this situation, as it supports cell regeneration and reconstruction. With the help of pure oxygen therapy, conditions such as speech disorders, paralysis or memory loss can be minimized or even cured.

  • Open wounds that do not heal

The most well-known condition of this kind is the diabetic's foot, which can lead to amputation of the extremities. Pure oxygen provided by HBOT reaches quickly even in areas with poorly vascularized tissue. The result will be seen in the acceleration of the healing process, right after the first HBOT sessions. A session with pure oxygen can last between 2 and 3 hours and the duration of the protocol will be at least 30 sessions, depending on how the organism reacts to HBOT protocol

  • Adverse effects of radiation therapy

Radiation therapy sessions, which aim to destroy cancer cells, can adversely affect the healthy tissue around them. Because cancer cells are very small and radiation therapy is not 100% accurate, there is a certain area of healthy tissue that will be affected and must be helped to heal. HBOT increases the amount of oxygen in the blood and transports it more quickly to areas with affected tissue. The regenerating effect of oxygen will appear immediately, which helps to form new tissues and heal open wounds. Pure oxygen also helps stop bleeding and reduce pain. The HBOT session lasts about 2 hours, requiring a minimum of 30 sessions.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy possible with the help of HBOT chambers oxyhelp.com, like any other treatment, has indications, contraindications or side effects. Users should not expect miracles, it should be borne in mind that oxygen therapy supports the body in the process of regeneration and self-healing.